In this project I was member of a 3-person team, I was involved in the development of many features, such as the search functionality and categories filtering, the stalls and tianguis registration forms as the use of the OpenStreetMap API. I also worked on the deployment of the app on Vercel and the database on NEON. I learned how to work with a team, how to manage a project, and how to deploy a full-stack application. I also learned how to work with postgreSQL and how to use an ORM to interact with it. I also learned how to use figma as design system

Tianguiza is a Progressive Web App that centralizes the information of the street markets (tianguis) in the metropolitan area of Guadalajara. The application allows users to search for street markets by location, day, and categories. It also allows vendors to register their market stall and manage their information.
This app was deployed on Vercel, using Next.js and PostgreSQL, is also available on Google Play Store. Below is the link to the app.